
Travel Wellness and Insight

Chronic PainProducts

The Must Have Insole For Foot Pain

My wife and I began to developed some serious foot pain within months of opening our little coffee shop. It was in the basement of an old craftsman house who’s thick cement floors were poured in the late 19th century. Service workers know how the industry impacts the feet, causing shin splints, plantar fasciitis, foot aches and more and as new cafe owners, we wanted to educate ourselves on how to best maintain our precious feet.

Thus, we began our decent into the vast and speculative world of over the counter Orthopedics.

    The first smart thing we did was line the high traffic barista areas with Hog Heaven anti- fatigue floor mats. We were so impressed with the product, the  Cadillac” of the floor mat industry, that we now have them in our kitchen at home as well. 

    Then began our ongoing education of shoes and insoles.

Over the years our feet have tried every size and shape of chef’s shoe, insole, athletic shoe, cream, compression socks – you name it, we’ll give it a try.

Our choice for the must have insole for foot pain while traveling

    In 2020, at coffee conference in Toronto (the week before the pandemic began reshuffling life as we know it) I sat through a sales spiel at the HydroFeet booth. Perhaps they could tell that I would try anything, they sat me down and tossed a sample pair of insoles in my Airmax 97s

    The experience impressed me enough to warrant buying two pairs, one for me and one for my wife. 

    Since then, we do not leave home without them, we give them as gifts, I line all my shoes with them from workout shoes to leather boots. I even snuck a pair under the fuzzy insoles of my house shoes. 

For those who are looking for an inexpensive yet high quality aid to their foot issues, HydroFeet relieves stress and increases overall foot wellbeing.