Spryng Active Compression Wrap Review – Feel better faster!
The Spryng Recovery System is a versatile calf therapy that can be used for a variety of recovery, pain relief and travel needs. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain or just need to keep your muscles feeling fresh after a long day on the road, the Spryng Active Compression Wrap can provide you with benefits.
Spryng Actvie Compression Wrap offers active compression through the use of air pressure, which can be adjusted to your desired level.
This is in contrast with traditional compression braces, which are considered passive and can be tight and uncomfortable and may not provide comprehensive coverage of the affected area.
I have been using Spryng for over a year and recently brought a pair on a trip to Mexico.
The Spryng Compression Wrap is a massage device that provides targeted compression therapy which helps to reduce inflammation while promoting increased blood flow and muscle relaxation.
The device uses pneumatic compression. The patent pending wavetec pattern combines three distinctive compression techniques – pulsing compression, gradients, and distal release to mimic your calf muscle.
The device has two compression patterns. First is the Graduated Compression Pattern (green light) The second is the Pulsatile Compression Pattern (blue light). Both combined are referred to as Spryng’s wavetec compression. We recommend both to help improve blood circulation and reduce leg swelling.
Spryng in Mexico
As an avid traveler with chronic pain, I always ensure that I have the necessary tools and remedies to make my journey as comfortable as possible. One particular accessory that has become a staple in my travel bag is the Spryng compression leg wraps. These wraps have been a effective for me, especially when exploring destinations like Mexico.
Let me take you back to my recent trip to the Pacific side of Mexico, where I had planned to immerse myself in the natural beauty of Puerto Vallarta and Sayulita. However, traveling with chronic pain can sometimes dampen the excitement, particularly when my left leg tends to flare up due to an old childhood injury and shin splints from compensating for back spasms on my right side.
Before delving into my experience, it’s important to set realistic expectations. Spryng compression leg wraps are not a cure-all for pain, nor are they a substitute for professional medical advice. Instead, their focus lies in promoting recovery through enhanced blood flow. To truly reap the benefits, consistent usage and patience are key, much like a physical therapy routine.
Armed with this knowledge, I embarked on my adventure with confidence. As I planned nightly walks through the enchanting Zona Romantica and along the Melencon boardwalk in Puerto Vallarta, I knew that the Spryng wraps would be waiting for me when back at the room recovering. This 3km stroll would grant me access to the best of Puerto Vallarta’s nightlife, far away from the mega-resorts of Nueva Vallarta.
But my journey didn’t stop there. I was eager to explore the lively town of Sayulita, known for its excellent party scene. Mezcal and the local spirit of Raicilla were calling my name, and I couldn’t resist indulging in the agave-based moonshine, particularly at my favorite hole-in-the-wall spot, CAVA. With over 50 different types of Raicilla sourced from around the state of Nayarit, CAVA offered an authentic ly boozy experience. However, this combination of imbibing and walking in huaraches lead to achy, throbbing legs.
To ensure I could fully enjoy my adventures while managing my chronic pain, I packed several pain creams, compression socks, and, of course, Spryng wraps. The wraps provided targeted compression, improving circulation and reducing discomfort during long walks and after a night of indulgence.
Throughout my trip, the Spryng wraps proved their worth. By incorporating them into my daily recovery routine, I experienced reduced swelling, improved muscle recovery, and increased comfort. While not a magical solution, they are a manageable one. I was still in pain daily yet the Spryngs played a vital role in allowing me to make the most of my time in Mexico without being limited by my chronic pain.
Bringing Spryng compression leg wraps can be a smart move for adult travelers looking for practical solutions to manage chronic pain while on vacation. Remember, it’s all about understanding the product’s purpose and setting reasonable expectations for incremental management rather than expecting instant pain relief.
Spryng Official Website. Available at: [https://spryngme.com/](https://spryngme.com/)
I never leave on a trip without my trusty passive compression wraps, they don’t eliminate pain but with targeting stretching and the wraps, I can hike longer and faster throughout the trip.
This trip I combined these with my calfs wrapped up tight in the Spryng, shifting between the green and blue modes for an hour at night and an hour in the morning.
Throughout the following days I found my legs were often not a concern at all, which is for us living with chronic pain, a big win.
Its a win if we can find a way to ignore our pain without ignoring our bodies.
These little windows with no intrusion become invaluable and for that reason alone, Voyage Through can recommend Spryng for traveling.
In terms of portability, the Spryng is OK to travel with if even a bit chunky for a small suitcase. Spryng may not be for those who are dedicated to packing light.
For those who prefer more discreet recovery solutions, it may be worth considering other options such as compression socks and braces before making a purchase.
However, the unique versatility and effectiveness make Spryng an ideal option for many travelers looking to reduce pain and increase blood flow while on-the-road.

- Works the way it should
- Improves Blood Flow
- Well Made, High Quality
- Godd Add Ons: knuckle pads, bag.
- Great Customer Service
- Modern Design
- Battery Needs Recharging often.
- A little clunky for travel
- A little Costly
- Light Therapy, some may need stronger solutions such as massage guns
The Benefits of SPRYNG™
(from the Spryng site)
- Accelerated recovery from athletic activities in just 15 minutes
- Reduced muscle soreness and fatigue to keep legs healthy & fresher
- Improved blood circulation to rid leg swelling, recover faster and perform better
- Induced lactic acid flush out and oxygenation to muscle tissues to make you game-ready faster

Microtears in the muscles can develop after exercise. Your body not only repairs the damage to these muscles, but also restructures them to become bigger and stronger versions of themselves, making them better equipped to work out the following time. It’s a clever way for your body to heal that allows you to keep challenging yourself, but the short-term effects, such as unhappy limbs and swollen, inflamed muscles, can be unpleasant.
For those of us with chronic muscle inflammation issues or spasms like I have, these areas never truly heal and must be cared for properly.
By promoting blood circulation through the use of external pneumatic compression, active compression helps combat this. Consequently, less intramuscular space is available for swelling and more blood is effectively pumped toward the heart, which helps to support the stable alignment of muscle fibers..
Active compression can potentially help with injury management and prevention by helping to disperse the lactic acid that accumulates as a byproduct of anaerobic respiration.
In other words, compression causes the muscles to act similarly to how they normally do, reducing the risk of injury, swelling, and soreness. Additionally, muscle repair time is sped up, enhancing athletic performance. Muscle tissues receive more oxygen thanks to changes in tissue blood flow and perfusion brought on by active compression.
The first pair of Spryngs we bought for our house ended up being mildly defective- the left sleeve couldn’t hold a charge as long as the right one. Even though it still worked, I sent an email asking if there was anything I could do to fix the issue. After some easy troubleshooting through chat, Spryng sent me a brand new pair without requesting the return of the original pair.
So that first experience of their above and beyond Customer Service, something we look for in companies providing therapy.
After this experience and noting how often I used the Spryng after workouts, I bought a pair for my Mother for her birthday. She suffers from neuropathy in her leg due to a back surgery.
Mom raves about Spryng and uses them daily. Again, it doesn’t eliminate the pain but it makes her dog walks easier. She also uses them for long drives.
In many ways Spryng is an ideal product for those who suffer from chronic pain or travel frequently as it provides targeted therapy that helps accelerate recovery time and reduce inflammation. With its adjustable air pressure and you’re sure to find a customizable setting that meets your needs.