
Travel Wellness and Insight

ADHDTravel Guide

Packing Hacks for ADHD Travelers

The good news for us neurodivergents is that travel provides us with new experiences and therefore, high doses of dopamine. However, traveling with ADHD also presents unique challenges, especially when it comes to packing. The lack of focus, forgetfulness, and difficulty with organization can make the packing process overwhelming. In this article, we will provide actionable tips and packing hacks specifically tailored for ADHD travelers. These tips will help make the packing experience more efficient, reduce stress, and ensure a smoother journey.

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Table of Contents

Section 1: Things to do before you start packing

Section 2: Essential Items to Pack

Section 3: Tips for packing

Section 4: Additional Tips for ADHD Travelers


Section 1: Things to do before you start packing

Create a Travel Checklist: Well in advance of your trip, get your phone out and make a comprehensive checklist of essential items you’ll need for your trip. Try categorizing items by clothing, toiletries, electronics, travel documents, and other essentials. Break down each category into subtasks for easy reference.

Tip: Overdo it! No, Really – Make your lists extensive and give yourself plenty of time to edit it down. You are going to hyperfocus on certain items, so make sure and give yourself the space and time to loose interest in certain items and ideas.

Research Your Destination: Familiarize yourself with the weather, local customs, and any specific requirements or restrictions regarding luggage. This information will help you pack appropriately and avoid any last-minute surprises.

Do Not Ignore Weather: Checking the extended forecast before your trip can provide valuable insights and ensure you’re adequately prepared for the weather conditions.

This may seem obvious but remember, wherever you may hope for in your mind, whatever fantasies you may have created about your upcoming trip: the weather at your destination must influence what to pack.

If it’s a colder climate, pack layers, warm socks, and a good-quality jacket. For sunnier destinations, include light clothing, a hat, and plenty of sunscreen. Always pack a light rain jacket or a fold-up parka- as weather can be unpredictable, regardless of the season.

you must organize your packing when you have adhd

Section 2: Essential Items to Pack

Packing Cubes: Invest in packing cubes or travel organizers to keep your belongings neatly separated and easily accessible. Use different colors or labels to distinguish between categories of items.

Travel-Sized Toiletries: Opt for travel-sized toiletries to save space and comply with liquid restrictions. Consider using refillable travel bottles to carry your preferred products.

Medications and Important Documents: Keep all necessary medications and important documents, such as prescriptions or medical records, in a dedicated pouch or folder. This is especially true for stimulates as they can be highly regulated or illegal in some counties. Make sure they are easily accessible during your journey.

Check Out Our Breakdown of Great Items for ADHD Travelers

Section 3: Tips for packing

  1. Use Visual Reminders: Place sticky notes or small stickers as visual reminders around your packing area to prompt you to pack specific items. For example, if you need to pack your phone charger, leave a note on the charger itself or near your suitcase.
  2. Divide and Conquer: Break down the packing process into smaller tasks. For example, focus on packing one category of items at a time, such as clothing or electronics. This approach helps maintain focus and reduces the likelihood of forgetting essential items.
  3. Pack in Stages: Start packing a few days before your trip. This gives you more time to remember items you might forget initially and reduces last-minute packing stress.
  4. Double-Check: Double-check your suitcase after packing. Cross-reference your items with your travel checklist to ensure you’ve packed everything. If possible, ask someone else to verify your pack as well, as a fresh pair of eyes might spot something you’ve missed.
  5. Pack Extra Supplies: If possible, pack extra medication, chargers, and essential toiletries. Having backups can be a lifesaver if you lose something during your trip. It’s better to be over-prepared than underprepared.
  6. Befriend a Scale: Use a small, portable scale to keep an eye on the weight of your luggage. This will also help prevent last-minute surprises when it comes to overweight luggage at the airport.

These tips and tricks will help make your packing experience more efficient, reduce stress, and ensure a smooth journey.

Section 4: Additional Tips for ADHD Travelers

Set a Timer: Allocate a specific amount of time to pack each category. Set a timer or use a smartphone app to remind you when it’s time to move on to the next task. This technique helps prevent hyperfocus or spending too much time on one aspect of packing.

Travel Checklist App: Utilize mobile applications such as “PackPoint,” “AnyList,” or “TripIt” to create and manage your travel checklist digitally. These apps can provide reminders and help you stay organized throughout your trip planning and packing process.

Seek Support from Travel Blogs like Voyage Through and Communities: Join online communities or read travel blogs dedicated to ADHD travelers. These platforms often share personal experiences, tips, and advice that can offer valuable insights and support.

Ask for Assistance: If needed, reach out to a friend or family member for help with packing. Having an extra set of eyes and hands can alleviate stress and ensure nothing is overlooked.


Packing for a trip can be overwhelming for ADHD travelers, but with the right strategies, it can become a more manageable and stress-free process. By following the tips and packing hacks outlined in this article, individuals with ADHD can stay organized, reduce forgetfulness, and ensure they have everything they need for a successful journey. Remember to customize these tips based on your specific needs and preferences, and always allow ample time for packing to avoid last-minute rush or anxiety.

Disclaimer: The tips provided in this article are suggestions and may not work for everyone. It is important to adapt these strategies to your individual needs and consult with a healthcare professional if necessary.


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